This is how we Tech

Walking into our house you will instantly understand that technology is deeply a part of our lives. You might not always know it to see us in person, or to talk to us, but spend any time in our home or get to really talking to any of us and you will shortly understand that we are a modern technology family. It is deeply ingrained in the definition of who we are. 
Jeffrey has called himself a hack IT guy forever. And he has charmed me with the story that he engineered a powered gate for his family’s guinea pig when he was in elementary school. Our house and family life is basically one giant motorized gate for us guinea pigs. He has filled our lives of technology, and hacked our way into living a modern life. 
Our tech may not be the latest and greatest like it might have been years ago when we were obsessed with consuming and acquiring things. Now we are more obsessed with making things work for us while having super great Tech. 

Fear of Failure and taking Risks

When I was a little girl, I was afraid to try things. I was really afraid. Afraid that I would fail. That I would fall down. That people would laugh at me. That I wouldn’t get it right. and then what? What would I do if I didn’t get it right?
I didn’t know. But I was incredibly terrified of trying new things. I hated when people watched me. I didn’t want to play sports, I didn’t want to play games in gym, I didn’t want to raise my hand in class. 

This is how we: feed a Teenage boy

Teenage boys eat A LOT. Or rather they go through phases were they eat a lot and then one day, they stop. only to resume a week or a month or whatever time frame suits your fancy later. 
Based on the changes that we have made in our family around food
Here are my top 10 tips for feeding said ravenous monster in a healthy way that you can manage:

1. Buy more food, buy in bulk
2. Prepare ahead of time
3. Set rules and boundaries and expectations
4. Allow and expect Snacking
5. Don’t shame them


It's not you, It's me.

I've spent the last couple of months writing. 
And writing.
And writing some more.
and yet I've hardly published anything. 
I already posted about my fears
As I have been reviewing my writing, looking for and finding some more courage to post my writing, I began to think about this: 

Reading some of the things I talk about may have you thinking that I am judging you.
You may think that you are doing it all wrong. you may think that I am thinking you are doing it all wrong.
it has nothing to do with you.
and it has everything to do with me.
it is entirely selfish.

I will probably alienate you

This is really hard for me. 
the fear is real. the struggle is real. 
I am working on crossing my own boundaries.
I worry that no one really cares about what I might have to say.
and I guess I have come to the conclusion that I am not doing this because anyone else really cares. I am doing it because I am compelled to share my story.
and maybe, just maybe, I will say something that might change someone else’s life. 

the 12 best food related changes I made for our family

If you are like me you are overwhelmed with information about how to feed your family for a healthy lifestyle. 

What to eat, what not to eat, what to spend money on, a lot of guilt and shame about what you shouldn’t be doing and what you shouldn’t feed your children.

As a mother we feel a lot of pressure in how we take care of and raise our children. It seems like this nutrition space has become more and more confusing and heavy with the media and all of the information being thrown at us about feeding our families. I have been feeling this overwhelming sense of Not Enoughness since my babies were born and the breastfeeding vs. formula saga began. 

Since I have left my company behind I have been more focused on my family and our homelife. It helps that my children are teenagers and now more easily able to contribute to this part of their lives. I feel really good about the changes that we have made in order to better feed ourselves. 

Lasting change happens not with the social pressure to do so, to act a certain why or to be a certain way, but when we decide for ourselves that it is something we want to do. Taking all of the information and turning it around under a proverbial microscope and seeing what actually works for us was what we did.