It's not you, It's me.

I've spent the last couple of months writing. 
And writing.
And writing some more.
and yet I've hardly published anything. 
I already posted about my fears
As I have been reviewing my writing, looking for and finding some more courage to post my writing, I began to think about this: 

Reading some of the things I talk about may have you thinking that I am judging you.
You may think that you are doing it all wrong. you may think that I am thinking you are doing it all wrong.
it has nothing to do with you.
and it has everything to do with me.
it is entirely selfish.
it's not that much different from having a super skinny friend, one who talks about how fat they are constantly. and that causes you to think “what must you be thinking of me, if you think that of yourself"
if you think your long hair is too long, what do you think of my long hair?
if you think you don’t walk enough, what about me, do you think i am not walking enough?

honestly. it has nothing to do with you. 

it is all about me,
I didn’t like me.
I didn’t like what I was doing. I didn’t like my life.
it isn’t anything to do with yours.
Anyone who knows me has heard me say “ you have to do what you have to do”.
I am not changing my life because I think you need to change yours.

you do you.
I’ll do me.