Summer GoPro Series: Underwater Selfies

Life with teenagers is always interesting.

As a couple who have always been obsessed with cameras, it took us way too long to get into this technology. Jeffrey and I both grew up loving photography and were both exposed to and given our own equipment at early ages. And we are technology freaks. Why we didn't jump on the GoPro right away, I have no idea. 
Funny, the reason we purchase this little guy was not because of that. We bought the GoPro for Halle for her birthday because she was having shoulder surgery on the day right after. We thought she could use the camera to record her recovery and come back to the basketball court and use it as motivation. 
Turns out, we found a thousand other ways to use this thing (including recording her workouts and recover from shoulder surgery). 

So back to my original point.... Life with teenagers is always interesting. They find new ways to use technology. Of course I don't think underwater selfies with a GoPro is new or innovative. But certainly, I was not going to throw myself underwater to take a selfie with it. Though I might do so now. wink. 
They have fun. And its infectious.